Good for training and acft transition
Advertising 250h total time required, but in reality that's just for their own cadet program. Outsiders with low time have little to none chances.. unless you're hong konger or Chinese.
Need to improve on feedback after interview
1000 hours and turbine gives you greater chancea
Pay & Benefits: were cut by approximately 50% permanently using Covid pandemic as an opportunity. Resulted in many experienced quitting, early retirement. Restructure with more Asian pilot demographics, “local” employment conditions with all aspect seen as “company policies” , constantly subject to change. (i.e. no agreed upon contract)
Unstable roster and pay - because of understaffed and ambitious recovery/expansion. New pay by the hour “productivity” roster resulted in a vastly varying pay per month - incentivizing pilot to “push the limit of fitness/heath” to sustain income.
Be honest, be respectful, stop patronizing and gaslighting its pilot community. Stop attacking conditions of service.
Stay away until new owner and new culture instigated. Company is probably for sale - record profit and minimum overhead. (Accounting perfection for balance sheet before sale).
Once COVID restrictions finish there will be a lot of quick upgrades
Locked in your rooms for months at a time during COVID. HK quarantine so no travel. Not a career airline. Cannot afford to keep a family in Hong Kong on the new package.
Base your crew. Need to reinstate retention conditions.
Enjoy the shiny jets but keep your resume handy.
fleet, COS, hollidays
management, rostering practice, unfairness
won't happen, the airline ceased operation