Alaska Airlines

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2 reviewsFleet:324On order:80
ICAO: ASAIATA: ASCallsign: ALASKAFounded: 1932

Zero Flight Operation Support

Star icon2.3Captain - Former employee
Cross markRecommended to other Pilots CheckmarkPositive business outlookCheckmarkApproval of management


Life in SEA, PDX - LAX if you want to live in a trailer on the LAX tarmac - ANC if you lean alt right gun culture. Positive future if Hawaiian Airline merger approved. Jet America was a complete waste of capital & 4 Billion to Sir Charles w/o the name even gave Wall Street a nose bleed.. Finally Union negotiators are not negotiating for management.


Flight Operations Department staffed by self promoting pilots operating on the greed factor hoping for a shot to drive a company leased BMW. Instructor base have zero knowledge in education, operate on a Huge ego factor. Union Representatives who are just checking boxes, but a empty suit as a advocate for a line pilot, hoping to secure a greed pay increase to instructor. Flt Ops Dept; think how your Jr High School experience was to give you a good analysis.

Advice to management

Air Force pay is just calculated on time in service, not on the job that a pilot secures by getting on his knee's to kiss, dressed in a new business suit. The instructor job not in the contract, which needs to be outsourced to a professional run simulator company. Stop hiring Foreign Nationals who will do your dirty work fearing to maintain their Green Card status.

Advice to future employees

As a college fellow pilot stated to me, fly Cargo, no TSA, no boarding agents, no passengers, no Flight Attendants, Nooo Problems. My mistake on furlough offered employment at Flying Tigers at the same time being recalled to Alaska, big mistake. Flew 24 years in USAFR (6 different war zones) retired with honorable service. Flew the same exact safety minded way at Alaska Airlines, terminated as a "Terrorist Pilot" in a year long Federal Trial (with missing TSA video's at 2 check points). Zero support from Management, ALPA, Chief Pilot System who was incompetent securing video's required by AS FLT OPS manual & feeding TSA false information.

"Training above FAA standards" immoral & no integrity

Star icon2.2Captain - Former employee
Cross markRecommended to other Pilots CheckmarkPositive business outlookCross markApproval of management


Seattle Base Portland Base


Checkride by management; Career Line pilot gets sideways with a 75k, gold, TSA agent, layover hotel manager input a negative false to management. Management will instruct Chief Pilot to bust line pilot in annual simulator, which may lead to termination or downgrade to co-pilot. Instructor pilots not included in ALPA contract, receive super pay great schedules, if instructor does not follow CP instruction he/she will lose instructor status back to line at lower pay with poor schedules. AS is a religious, white, culture, Alt right based airline. At anytime in your career you may be subject to termination by instructors with no morals or integrity afraid of losing large status pay. Alaska calls bust by management "Training above FAA standards" PNW is a great living, however think hard about gambling your career with a inept threat based training department.

Advice to management

USAF instructors do not receive premium pay, stop this training threat to line pilots. The cancer still exits from the head of training manager who spent his entire career in training until 2 line co-pilot refusal to fly with the individual in BOS. AS training department with premium pay is inept, corrupt immoral with low integrity instructors.

Advice to future employees

Commuter pilots seek careers at United, Delta, American. Your wife/girlfriend will thank you for her putting up with the years of low grade commuter life on her first Business class lay flat bed non rev trip to Europe or where ever she dreams to travel.


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Alaska Airlines20Global
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