Minimum 6000 hours total flight time on Multi-Crew, Multi-Engine, and Commercial Airline experience on a jet with MTOW of 50,000 kg or higher.
Minimum 500 hours flight time as Pilot in command (PIC) on an Airbus FBW aircraft (A380/A50/A340/A330/A320/F)
Minimum 2,000 hours as Pilot In-Command on Multi-Crew, Multi-Engine and Commercial Airline experience on a jet with MTOW of 50,000 kg or higher, or minimum 1000 hours of flight time as Pilot in command (PIC ) on Multi-Crew, Multi-Engine and Commercial Airline experience on a jet with MTOW of 50,000 kg or higher, and currently flying on (A380/A350/A340/A330/A320/F)
Last flight
Last flight on type within the past 12 months
License req.
Open to Lic. Holders
Class 1
ICAO ELP level
Covid-19 vaccination
Not specified
Visa sponsorship
Compensation and benefits
Visa sponsorship
Be careful
Don't provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Protect yourself.