Minimum requirements
Flight time notes
Total Flight experience of 3000 Hours Minimum 100 Hours as PIC in STOL
Last flight
Flight on DHC-6/300 within last 6 months
Covid-19 vaccination
Not specified
Additional requirements
Have valid DHC-6/300 Type Rating Completed to satisfaction from designated TRTO and rating endorsed on CAAN license. Have class 1 medical from same Civil Aviation Authority as of License issuance. Have all the trainings and proficiency checks as required by Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal valid at the time of induction to Nepal Airlines Pass appropriate check with company Instructor Pilot. ICAO/EASA/FAA English Level IV Certificate or higher. Instructor and/ or examiner will be given the top priority.
Interview, screening and training section
Step 1
The appointment is subject to approval from concerned authorities of Nepal.
Step 2
Selected individuals will be contacted through email.
Step 3
The Corporation reserves the right to accept/reject any application.
Compensation and benefits
The initial contract will be for a minimum period of two years and may be extended as per requirement.
Be careful
Don't provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Protect yourself.
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Base location
Nepal | South, West & Central Asia
KTM - Kathmandu