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Current as a Trainer on B 737-800 (or) B737-800 SFI
License req.
Open to Lic. Holders
DGCA (India), ICAO
Class 1
ICAO ELP level
Covid-19 vaccination
Not specified
Additional requirements
Should have been a Trainer with a commercial Airliner, preferably an Instructor.
Interview, screening and training section
Step 1
a) The Application Form of the candidate would be scrutinized and prima facie eligible candidates only, will be called for the selection procedure.
Step 2
b) Selection Procedure involves: Written Test, Personal Interview (s), Pre-employment Medical Examination.
Step 3
Candidates will have to bear the cost of the Pre-Employment Medical Examination(s), which could range between Rs.2,000/- and Rs.3,000/. Any additional tests, if required, the additional cost thereof will also have to be borne by the candidate.
Compensation and benefits
Instructional allowance @ Rs 4600/-per hour of simulator training (Emoluments are under revision to meet Industry standards)
Be careful
Don't provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Protect yourself.