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If you are currently operating aircraft under 10 Tonnes MTOW: There is no restriction on the total hours you have operating on aircraft under 10 Tonnes MTOW.
If you are currently operating on aircraft over 10 Tonnes MTOW: No more than 500 hours on aircraft over 10 Tonnes MTOW.
License req.
Open to Lic. Holders
Class 1
ICAO ELP level
Covid-19 vaccination
Not specified
Visa sponsorship
Not provided
Additional requirements
The right to live and work in the UK with unrestricted access across the easyJet network
No more than 5 ATPL exam resits
Completed A-UPRT training
Normal standard APS MCC qualification
No more than 20 hours of remedial flight training
Must not have attended an easyJet Assessment Centre for a pilot role within the last 6 months
If you have completed training, but have no operating experience: You must have completed pilot training no earlier than 31st December 2021.
Work conditions
Initial Training Overview
In order to standardise your previous experience, you’ll need to complete a short refresher training programme which includes; 8 hours of ground school, 4 hours in a cockpit mock-up and 3 full-flight simulator sessions. You must pass this in order to proceed onto your A320 Type Rating.
Both the Refresher Training and A320 Type Rating will be self-funded - further details will be provided during Assessment Centre.
Type Rating courses are scheduled throughout February, March & April.
Your contract of employment will be subject to you successfully completing both qualifications.
Interview, screening and training section
Step 1
Online Application
Step 2
Online Assessments
Step 3
Application Review
Step 4
Assessment Centre – Successful candidates from Stages 1-3 will be invited to attend an easyJet Assessment Centre. This will take place in one of our Simulator Centres and will consist of both a Non-Technical and a Technical (SIM) Assessment.
Step 5
Refresher Training as detailed above. Your offer of employment will be subject to you successfully completing this training.
Step 6
If successful, you will be allocated a base in accordance with business and operational requirements approximately 10-12 weeks prior to your induction date.
Be careful
Don't provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Protect yourself.