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Minimum of 1000 hours operated in the capacity of a First Officer on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg MTOW with an established airline engaged in commercial air transport operations. (No Flight Instructor hours shall be considered).
Last flight
Must have operated on the aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg MTOW within the 36 months prior to the course start date.
License req.
Frozen ATPL
Open to Lic. Holders
Class 1
ICAO ELP level
Covid-19 vaccination
Not specified
Job description
Ryanair Group are actively recruiting A320 First Officers for all bases in Lauda Europe.
Only Direct Entry First Officers with experience on jet aircraft with an MTOW of more than 30 tonnes should register their interest (Rated/Non-Rated).
Interview, screening and training section
Step 1
Due to changes in EASA regulations all new pilots are required to undertake a psychological assessment prior to commencing the Training in line with EASA regulation CAT.GEN.MPA.175. This is completed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of an online assessment conducted using AON/ Cut-e (55 fee applies). Phase 2 is a comprehensive psychological assessment, which forms part of the overall Simulator assessment / interview. During Phase 1, experienced First Officers are required to complete a total of 4 tasks and Captains will be required to complete 1 task.
Step 2
Only candidates who successfully complete and meet the minimum standards during Phase 1 will be progressed forward to Phase 2 which includes the Simulator Assessment.
Be careful
Don't provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Protect yourself.