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In case of non-EU passport, you are required to have Schengen visa or Unrestricted right to travel to EU without a visa
Clean Criminal Record
Available for world-wide operation
Work conditions
20 days on duty (including travel to/from NIA) and 10 days off at home, or 30 days on duty and 15 days off at home for approved NIAs or operational bases outside Europe/MENA region.
Full-month roster published 14 days in advance
Bidding system for preferred base allocation
Compensation and benefits
Commuting contract
Accommodation on base
Covered duty travel costs
Covered visa, duty travel, and other duty-related costs
Uniform provided by company
Training fees for LTC/TRI/TRE/GI
Extensive sold-off days add-ons
Loyalty bonus
Travel Insurance
Loss of license insurance (after 1st year of service)
Referral program “Bring a Friend”
And on top of it all, the best-guaranteed offer on the market
Be careful
Don't provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Protect yourself.