Review the Airlines you work(ed) for

PilotsGlobal brings greater workplace transparency to Flight Crew seeking employment. Contribute to the review database by anonymously reviewing your current or previous employer.

* all fields are required

If you can't find your employer name in the list, write a free text name and we will add it to the database.

Are you a current or former employee?

Do you approve of management?
Positive business outlook?
Would you recommend this company to other Pilots?


Upgrade opportunities
Pay & benefits
Workload & schedule
Layovers & destinations

The information you contribute will be visible to people visiting PilotsGlobal. This review is anonymous and will not be associated with you in any way.

By continuing you agree to the PilotsGlobal Terms of Use, which state this review is of your own experience and is truthful.

Keep it real

Your experience will help others to make an informed career decision about prospective employers.

Please do not post:

  • Aggressive or discriminatory language
  • Profanity
  • People's names
  • Trade secrets/confidential information

Thank you for doing your part to keep PilotsGlobal the most trusted place to take the next step in one's flying career and find a company they would love.